Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Saying grace before eating

For as long as I can remember, (on numerous mission trips) we have taken our pre-meal prayer (grace) quite seriously. We didn't just ask God to bless the food, but to keep us from getting sick from it as well. On these same trips, we have been extra careful to avoid foods make by the locals. There are enough concerns regarding food in a 3rd world country w/o adding in the extra variables that come into play with food made by a local.
However, now I find myself in entirely different situations, and it's important to build relationships of trust with those we serve. I believe it's only by God's grace that we haven't been sick thus far. Three days each week we're in out-lying communities, and local folks take extra special efforts to make us food for lunch. Knowing that most of these people are poor, we know their hospitality is a sacrifice for them. Therefore, it would be absolutely rude and inappropriate to not be thankful, smile, and eat what is given to us. And you can be sure that we pray before we eat, and we take that prayer very seriously.

I'm very thankful that today's host was not insulted when we did not eat the iguana delicacy. I understand it was hung over a fire for several days...(like smoked fish). I've also included a couple of other photos of food that I've never seen in the USA.

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