Sunday, June 21, 2009

When I grow up.....

I was having a wonderful conversation with Oscar, one of our Guatemalan missionaries, and I was asking him what he wanted to be "when he grew up". If money and education were no concern, what would you want to do with your life? This was the question I presented to Oscar. After hearing his reply, I took the next natural step, reflected inwardly on my own life and suddenly realized something that stopped me in the tracks. WOW! I am doing exactly what I've always wanted to do! How many people ever get to say that?

Ever since I was 15 years old and had the fantastic opportunity of spending the summer in the shadow of a missionary nurse and teacher, I knew I wanted to be a full time missionary. Does this mean that I always wanted to be in Guatemala or that I will spend the rest of my useful years in any one particular country? No. Does this mean that life is always a bunch of roses? Of course not. But I had always hoped and prayed that the Lord would allow me to serve him as His missionary in Latin America where I enjoy the people, culture, and language. And here I am, at this very moment in time, living out my dream! And it strikes me that not everyone gets to live out their dream; and for that I am extremely humbled and grateful to God Almighty and for those He has put in my life to make this possible. As one good friend recently said, it's a wonderful and beautiful thing when our will and God's are the same.

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