After flying all night, a team of 12 from Wisconsin landed in Guatemala around 7am on Saturday Feb 22nd. John, who's been here a few weeks, is from Wisconsin and was part of this same team last year. Each person on the team packed their own belongings in a carry-on bag, thus freeing up 24 stuffed suitcases to help this ministry. It looked like Christmas as things were unpacked...24

white sets of Corelle dishes, 15 sets of bath towels, 15 air mattresses and sheet sets, 15 handmade quilts, flatware and other kitchen utensils, glassware, and towels, a larger mixer, numerous Ziploc baggies, office supplies, medications for the clinic, tools and supplies necessary to build 10 bunk beds, and a bunch of other stuff that I can't even remember. As I understand it, 4 people from this team’s church donated money for us to buy our refrigerator the day before I arrived. And just before the team left, a week later, the team purchased a clothes dryer for us...what an unexpected and precious blessing! This will make a huge difference for us once rainy season starts!
Even though they had flown all night, the team got straight to work at making bunk beds and

painting the whole house. John, as the point man, had purchased paint and lumber ahead of time. By Sunday evening almost the entire inside of the house had been painted. Starting Monday they had a full week of ministry, which I'll blog about a little later. Some of the men stayed here at the ministry house during the week in order to complete the beds. By the way, these are no ordinary beds. These beds are super sturdy and extremely heavy. Just

yesterday I wanted to move my bed about 3 ft and it was all I could do to push each end a few inches at time with all my might. I'm convinced that these beds will probably still be around when Jesus comes back, and if there's an earthquake, I think hiding under a bunk bed is probably one of the safest places.
Every day when we'd come back from a day of ministry, we'd find some new surprises. One day I found a bunk bed in my room. Yay! No more getting on and off the floor from my air mattress! We'd anticipated only bunk beds for

the 2 team rooms. Another day I found that the handle on my bedroom door had been repaired. Now my door no longer opens and closes when somebody opens a window or door somewhere else in the house. The closet doors were adjusted so that they slide, and my dresser drawers repaired so that they could be opened and closed without Herculean efforts. These might sound like small things, but they are big when you deal with them day after day. After all the bunks were made, the left over lumber was used to make numerous shelves. Two 6ft and one 3 ft shelf was made for the medical room. Several 2 ft shelves were made as night stands beside beds. I was thrilled to get one in my room. Just think of all the things you put on or in your bedside table! Other various shelves of various heights were made as well. And to top it off, the team purchased a very nice queen size bed for Ginny and Kevin.
As awesome as all these tangible things are...it was the intangible that bought us (missionaries) to tears of gratitude. This team loved on us, encouraged, laughed, sang, and prayed with us. It was as if I was enveloped in warm hugs by friends all week. Every time I thought that they could not do more, that they couldn't possibly demonstrate love to us more...they somehow came up with more. They gave more than 100% at all times. They worked up to the last hour before they left at 5:30pm on Sunday March 1st. Although they are now gone, I see their faces and feel their friendship every time I look around and see all they accomplished. I can only believe that God must be very pleased as He too knows of their work and sacrifice. I doubt the teams know just how much we appreciate all that they did and how much of a difference they’ve made in our every day lives here…and therefore equipped us to serve the Lord and His people all the more. I send my sincere thanks and love to the Trinity team from Wisconsin if any of them are reading this.
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