Thursday, March 19, 2009

Home visit leads to unexpected baptisms

On this particular day, like every day we're in Amatitlan, we did "home visits" in the morning before our adult and children's activities in the afternoon. Home visits is pretty self explanatory. We simply walk through the neighborhoods and visit with various folks we see along the way, and usually check in on those who we know are sick and/or may need some encouragement. We've learned that visiting a person in their home is extremely meaningful and powerful in this country. Unlike the USA, we're gladly welcomed. They stop what they're doing and bring us something to sit on if they have it...even if it means that they remain standing. We're truly treated like guests most of the time.

I was surprised to see people at this particular house that had been previously vacant. There were 2 ladies, sisters, who each had 5 young children. The team from Trinity church of Wiscoinsin was with us and I was really glad that God arranged it for the one and only ordained minister and the only person who was allowed to have a camera (me) were on this same team together. After talking to the moms for just a few min, the moms asked us if we'd baptise all the children. Our Guatemalan team mates asked some basic questions to make sure that we were all on the same theological page for the baptisms to be done, and we decided this was a divine appointment set up by God himself. We walked to their well, and had a wonderful yet simple baptism service for all 10 of the children. I took a group photo of Pastor Mark and the kids and moms, and then presented it to them a couple of weeks later so they can specifically remember the day and it's significance. What a absolutely amazing opportunity!

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