...scrape paint off of peeling bathroom walls (made of CONCRETE)so that the layer of black mold under the paint can be exposed and treated...espcially when 2 entire walls of paint needs to be scarped off, and portions of the other 2 walls.
If it wasn't for the Wisconsin team, I'd still be in the bathroom scraping the wall

. We had one good scraper and several butter knives to start with, then by night #2 we scrounged up 2 more putty knives to add to our arsenal. By night #3 of scraping we had one more putty knife. It seemed like a never ending job, and several members of the Wisconsin team joined me for hours and hours of scraping. When we realized it was black mold, we put on masks and we lifted up prayer for our protection. Every night we were covered in dust from scraping the concrete. It's amazing how well you can get to know a person when you spend that much time in that small of an area with a person.

I've scraped off paint before, but never before have I needed to remove absolutely all the paint on a wall...much less 2 walls. On night 5, with much determination, we finished the scraping and 2 brave souls washed/scrubbed down the walls with 100% bleach. Unfortunately we ran out of time before we could paint the bathroom. However, the team purchased special mold resistan paint, and John finisehd painting the bathroom today. Yay John! It's so nice to see it finally done!

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